French and Saunders Discuss Tracey Today!

Comediennes, Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders have been presenting their own radio series on BBC Radio 2 for roughly a year now to great success. Today, a new show was presented. A typical show features Dawn and Jennifer playing their favorite records, their witty banter, and guests who join them in the studio. Tracey's 1983 hit song "Breakaway" was chosen by the hosts and was followed by comments regarding working with Tracey in "Girls On Top". To our recollection, it was the first time Jennifer spoke publicly about Tracey. Dawn French has stayed in touched with Tracey over the years. Tracey took part in Dawn's BBC documentary series, "Girls Who Do Comedy" in 2006. Tracey introduced Dawn to her now former husband, Lenny Henry, whom she worked with in the show "Three Of A Kind".

You can listen to the French and Saunders' latest radio broadcast here. Skip to 1:03, if you'd like to get straight to the Tracey bit.
