Peter Osbourne: Tracey, Queen of Political Satire

It's often said that the age of political satire is dead.

That’s no longer true, thanks to Tracey Ullman’s exceptionally good show, which finished its latest run on BBC1 last Friday.

For my money, Tracey Breaks The News knocks Spitting Image and even Rory Bremner into a cocked hat.

She was especially devastating about Environment Secretary Michael Gove, who she portrayed in one episode as a duplicitous mischief-maker who promises to catch someone falling towards him during a ‘trust exercise’, but then pulls away.

How telling, then, that there has not been a whimper of protest from Gove’s allies at Ullman’s waspish portrayal.

By contrast, how pathetic that allies of Jeremy Corbyn are pitifully whingeing about her taking the mickey out of the Labour leader, and daring to complain about bias from the infamously Left-leaning BBC!

